Exam Information Test |
The Cambridge FIRST CERTIFICATE IN ENGLISH What do you know?
Try to answer these questions about the exam . If you’re not sure, have a guess! 1. How many papers are there? 2. What grades are there? (“Notas” -pass grades? / fail grades?) 3. What kind of texts can you expect to find in the reading paper? 4. How long is the writing paper? (Hours and minutes, not centimetres!) 5. How many parts are there in the writing paper, and how are the two parts different? 6. Approximately how many words should you write? 7. How many parts are there in the Use of English paper? What are they? 8. How long is the Use of English paper? How much time, approximately, should you spend on each part? 9. How long is the speaking paper? How many people participate? 10. What do you have to do in part three of the speaking test? 11. How many times do you hear the listening texts? 12. How long is the listening paper? 13. What do you have to do in part two of the listening? Now read some information about the exam to check your answers. (This activity practises a strategy needed in the reading paper. Find the information as quickly as possible. Only focus on locating the relevant part of the text. It’s like looking in the newspaper to find out what time your favourite T.V. programme starts.) © Copyright 2001 Craig Wealand & Domingo Blanco - Todos los Derechos Reservados. - |