Primero lee las preguntas,
después escucha el
listening y
Craig lives in a house.
2. There are four rooms.
3. There is a balcony.
4. It isn't possible to see the sea.
5. There are three beds.
6. It is expensive to live there.
unas preguntas un poco más difíciles
Who lives with Craig?
2. What can they see from the balcony?
3. What furniture do they have?
4. Where's the small bed?
5. Why does Craig like living there?
identificar las palabras que faltan?
Hello. My name's Craig. I live in Valencia, Spain with my
lady, Angeles, and we live in a .
Erm… our flat has four rooms, no , but we have a balcony and a lovely view of the sea.
There are only the two of us living in the flat, and we have some lovely , a
desk and a computer. We don't have a television.
There's a big bed, and a small bed in the room.
I like it because there's a from the sea, and it's also very