Primero lee las preguntas,
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listening y
The furniture is very
2. Stephanie's kitchen is
3. Stephanie looks after the
4. Stephanie makes sure everything is
5. Stephanie left her English furniture
unas preguntas un poco más difíciles
How does Stephanie describe the kitchen and the lounge?
2. Does she describe English or Spanish furniture as 'light and bright'?
3. What does Stephanie do in the garden? Why does she 'spend a lot of
time' there?
4. Make a list of adjectives that Stephanie uses to describe things in
her house and her garden.
identificar las palabras que faltan?
Hello, my name is Stephanie, and I live in a
in Spain.
We have two bedrooms, two , a small kitchen and a nice
The furniture is very Spanish, because when we left England we left all our English furniture there. It's very
and bright.
The garden is very beautiful, and we have a lovely swimming pool.
I spend a lot of time in the garden looking after the
and making sure everything is tidy.