Primero lee las preguntas,
después escucha el
listening y
How many bedrooms are there?
2. Do Terry and his wife have a swimming pool?
3. How many years have they been living in Spain?
4. Do they like living in Spain?
5. Have they got any animals? (have they got = do they have)
unas preguntas un poco más difíciles
Is the villa very big?
2. Does Terry live upstairs or downstairs?
3. Who looks after the garden?
4. When did Terry and his wife arrive in Spain?
5. Why did he tell his wife to 'shut up'?
identificar las palabras que faltan?
My name is Terry, I live in Spain. I'm an
from England he..he..he! Shut up, you're
me off!
Er er I live in er.. er.. a large villa, er.. with large . We occupy the upper part of the villa.
We have two bedrooms, , naya, one bathroom and one en-suite. Er.. the walls are very thick. Erm.. it's hot, it contains the heat, and
the cold.
Erm.. the garden is to by my wife, Stephanie. Erm.. we have a swimming pool.
We've been living in Spain about five years. We like it very very much.