Primero lee las preguntas,
después escucha el
y contesta.
Steph's recipe is for
2. Steph cooks
3. The oil that Steph uses is
4. How many eggs are in Steph's tortilla?
5. Steph cooks the tortilla until it is
unas preguntas un poco más difíciles
las letras a, b, c, d, e, f en el orden en que Stephanie dice los
pasos de su receta siguiendo el ejemplo:
a) take the potatoes and the onions from the frying pan and mix them in with the eggs b) put them back in the frying pan under a low heat c) cook it until It is thoroughly brown d) break four eggs, put in some salt and pepper, beat them up e) put them in a frying pan with some olive oil, and some onions f) take some potatoes and peel them
1 - 2 -
3 - 4 -
5 - 6 -
identificar las palabras que faltan?
We're back with Stephanie on cooking. Stephanie, can you recommend a typical Spanish
that you cook at home?
Well, I like cooking tortilla. Obviously everyone has their own , but I will tell you how I cook it.
I take some potatoes and them, then
them up very small, put them in water, and them up 'til they are soft. Then I put them in a
with some olive oil, and some onions which I've also
. And then I these over until they're cooked.
In another bowl, I four eggs, put in some salt and pepper,
them up.
Then I take the potatoes and the onions from the frying pan and
them in with the eggs.
I then put them back in the under a low , and cook it until It is thoroughly brown.