Typically English

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¿Cómo describirías a un típico inglés?

¿Cuáles de las siguientes características representa para tí a los ingleses? (Busca las palabras y expresiones no conocidas en el diccionario).

show their emotions
wait in queues
argue and wave their hands  
not a lot of emotion
cold winters
good lovers
baked potatoes
socks and sandals
roast beef and Yorkshire pudding
badly dressed
very polite

Ahora escucha a diferentes personas Haz click para escuchar el listening dando su opinión de lo que es un típico inglés. ¿Qué expresiones puedes reconocer de las anteriormente citadas?

¿Podrías identificar las palabras que faltan?

Are you typically English?
What, in your opinion, describes a typically English person?
For example, a typically Spanish person might like paella, a siesta, flamenco and bull fighting.
What about the English?

Ah.. the English. , and , , . I can't think much more, ah.. and .

I think a typically.. typically English person would not , totally reserved. We . If asked a question that we don't particularly agree with, we wouldn't actually , we'd be very reserved, and give the minimal information.

We know our place

Very , and the 'stiff upper lip'.

The British? Football , very good beer, .

English people very , very, very . Sometimes a little . Sometimes too ,.. just sometimes hurt.

I find most of the English are very . They're not as as other countries. They don't ..er.. release their emotions as much as.. foreign countries. I don't think anyway.

English people, I notice them when I see er.. someone in the supermarket er.. with er.. strange colours and wearing .


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