Fran on Gambling

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Preguntas básicas de comprensión

You're going to listen to Fran speaking about gambling. Before you listen, try to predict the answers to the following questions.
(Vas a oír a Fran hablando del juego. Antes de escucharla, intenta predecir sus respuestas a las siguientes preguntas).

1. What casino games does Fran talk about? What casino games do you know?

2. Why do you think Fran enjoys gambling? What was the attraction for her?

3. What do you think is the most money she's ever won?

4. What do you think is the most money she's ever lost?

Listen to the interview with Fran Haz click para escuchar el listening and check your predictions.
(Escucha la entrevista con Fran y comprueba tus predicciones)

Contesta las siguientes preguntas

5. Does Fran gamble now ?
6. Did Fran gamble in the past?
7. What expression does she use to talk about the things she did in the past but doesn't do now?

Listen again and write all the 'used to' expressions that you hear.
(Escucha de nuevo y escribe todos las expresiones con 'used to').

Ej.) 'You used to be'

Ahora, unas preguntas un poco más difíciles

1. Does Fran think that she was a heavy gambler? (un gran jugador)

2. Has Fran been to a lot of casinos in London?

3. Has Fran gambled abroad?

4. Who did she used to go to casinos with?

5. Did she ever go by herself?

6. Why doesn't she miss gambling now?

7. How often did Fran used to go to the casino?

8. How does she spend her time now?

¿Podrías identificar las palabras que faltan?

- Fran, welcome to La Mansión del Inglés. You used to be a very heavy casino . What did you used to play at the casino?

- Well, I say I was a very heavy gambler. I used to love gambling, and I used to play roulette. French roulette and American roulette.

- I see, and how many different casinos did you used to go to in London?

- Well, I don't think there's many that I haven't been to in London. There was about three in the centre of London.

- Ah and Fran, did you go else to gamble?

- Yes, all over. I went to ..erm.. Westcliff, which is in Essex, Bournemouth, which is in Sussex. But I've never really played roulette .

- Fran, what did you enjoy about gambling? What was the for you?

- Well, it gave you a sense of , erm… when they used to spin the wheel. It was adrenalin, mainly.

- Did you go alone?

- Sometimes. Sometimes I used to go with friends, and I used to take my mother and my sister, ..erm… when I just was sitting of an being very bored, I just used to go on my own, then.

- And how much money could you lose in one evening, Fran?

- Ahh, that would be telling! Erm… depending how much I had on me at the time, erm.. well if I was to say £5 , you'd call me , so I won't say.

- And what's the most you've ever won?

- If my husband's not listening, about £200 I would believe.

- Fran, do you miss gambling now?

- No, not at all. I've erm… settled myself in Spain, and believe it or not I used to go gambling in England about three or four times a week and now I just don't think of it..erm.. It just doesn't to me anymore, and I just wondered how I used to do it all those years ago.

- So tell me, what do you do with your time now?

- Not a lot, actually. Erm…I do a bit of , bit of housework, bit of cooking, we go out quite a bit, we go out during the day , and coffee, and it's..well…I'm just retired, there's not a lot you can do really except look after the home.

- Well, thank you very much for joining us Fran, and good luck with the future.

- Thank you


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