Innes' House

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Preguntas básicas de comprensión

Lee las preguntas, escucha el listening Haz click para escuchar el listeningy decide si son verdaderas (=True) o falsas (=False) .

1) Innes lives in the centre of London.
2) The house is small.
3) There are four bedrooms.
4) The bathroom is upstairs on the first floor ( En la primera planta).
5) The lounge and the dining room are comfortable and sunny.

En la siguiente trascripción hay diez palabras mal. Localízalas y escribe la palabra correcta.

I live in a flat that once was a brewery where… erm.. beer was made . Er.. it’s no longer made there but lots are drunk and.. erm yeah so lucky today I’m sober so I can tell you about my car.

Er.. we live in a city called Orset, erm.. about thirty miles north of London, in the county of Essex in England. Erm.. the house is quite small because it was built about two hundred and sixty years ago when people were smaller then, so I understand. Unfortunately, I’m six foot three, and I often bang my head, and erm…yeah, really the door frame should be made larger, or I should move, one of the two...erm.. We’ve yet to decide what to do. I’m just gonna have to live with bumps on my head at the moment.

The bathrooms ..erm… are three in number. Unfortunately the bathroom is on the ground floor. When I was a child, the bedroom was always on the first floor, so when I first moved there, it got a little bit confusing when I wanted to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. But, these things you have to live with, also with bumps on your head. So now I’m very careful when I wake up at night.

We have three bedrooms upstairs, bathroom, as I say, downstairs,…erm… a lounge and a living room – both small, but ..erm.. convenient and sunny. When it does…when the sun is out in England. Unfortunately a lot of the time it’s grey, so the rooms are grey, but it would be nice if it’s sunny…..

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


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