Rachel on Christchurch

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Preguntas básicas de comprensión

Haz click para escuchar el listening Listen to Rachel comparing Christchurch, New Zealand to Valencia, Spain and answer the following questions. 
Escucha a Rachel comparando Christchurch de Nueva Zelanda con Valencia de España, y contesta a las siguientes preguntas.

1. Which city is bigger, Christchurch or Valencia?

2. Approximately how many people live in Christchurch?

3. Do people do a lot of water sports in Christchurch?

4. In Christchurch, what time do people usually have dinner?

5. Are there shopping malls in Christchurch

Listen to Rachel again and answer the following questions which are a little more difficult. 
Escucha otra vez a Rachel y contesta las siguientes preguntas que son un poco más difíciles.

1. What does Rachel say about the climate in Christchurch?

2. Which water sport is especially popular in Christchurch?

3. Where do people usually have breakfast?

4. What does Rachel say is the great thing about shopping in Christchurch?

5. Where is Rachel living at the moment, in Christchurch or Valencia?

Listen again and write the missing words in the spaces. 
Escucha otra vez y escribe las palabras que faltan en los espacios en blanco.

Hello Rachel, welcome back. Rachel, you live in Valencia but you.. erm.. have lived in Christchurch for years. What differences are there between the two cities?

Well, lets begin with . Christchurch, even though it’s the biggest city in New Zealand, is much smaller than Valencia having only 350.000 people. Erm... the climate is also , Christchurch has a much dryer climate, it’s not humid like Valencia. And the summer’s much shorter, we do have some very hot days. Also...what else?

The...Christchurch is on the , isn’t it? Erm... are water sports popular?

Water sports are very popular in Christchurch yes, surfing especially is popular, the.. erm.. what else... yachting, kayaking, water sports yeah really popular.

What about food, are the eating times similar to.. to Spain?

No, not at all, everything’s a couple of hours , people have.., always have breakfast at home, when they which is usually about half past six or seven, and is around twelve or one, and then people eat dinner about.. mm.. six or seven o’clock at .

Okay, and..er.. shopping, tell us about shopping in.. in Christchurch.

Mm..well, in Christchurch we have lots of shopping malls, and the great that I.. I.. I think is great, is that you can go shopping seven days a week. So on Sundays you can go shopping, in the and .

Okay, thank you very much.

You’re welcome.


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