Course Plan-Basic Course
1. Introductions/the verb ‘to be’ (‘is’, ‘am’,
‘are’)/’my’, ‘your’, ‘his’, ‘her’, ‘their’/word stress ‘countries’ and ‘international words’/numbers1-10/Famous People, ‘Where are they from?’
2. The alphabet/abbreviations/spelling/A profile of Angeles and Madonna/countries and nationalities/numbers 11-100/question forms, ‘Sting’/word stress in sentences.
3. A profile of Luis-possessive ‘s’/adjectives/question forms and short answers/negatives/dialogue-‘Drinks on a Plane’/completing a landing card/days and months/word stress.
4. Text on ‘The Beckhams’-question forms/contractions/prices-‘How much is it?’/A Menu-food and prices/ ‘Can’ for requests/dialogue-‘Buying a Sandwich’/ ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’, ‘those’/vocabulary grouping.
5. Dialogue-‘At a Party’/ Present Simple-positive, negative and questions with ‘do’/basic common verbs/A profile of Craig/intonation for questions/like+ing ‘What do you like doing?’-activities/collocation-‘play’ and ‘go’/ ‘so’ and ‘but’/prepositions-‘to’, ‘at’, ‘in’, ‘on’.
6. Text on Jack Nicholson and Jennifer Lopez/present simple 3rd person ‘s’ and ‘does’/pronunciation of ‘s’-(S), (Z) and (IZ)/Text on Mel Gibson-question forms/3rd person practice-famous people from lesson 1/weak forms of auxiliary verbs/professions-‘What do you do?’/word stress-‘Jobs’/ ‘a’ and ‘an’ with professions/word groups with grammar words-‘Odd one out’/ The Article-Text-‘The Simpsons’.
7. Time-‘What time is it?’/verb collocations/An Interview with Reza Shah-daily routine/adverbs of frequency/position of adverbs of frequency in sentences.
8. Dialogues-‘Can’ for requests and permission/asking for things/Text matching-room description/vocabulary-house and furniture/ ‘there is’, ‘there are’, ‘there isn’t’, ‘there aren’t’/’some’ and ‘any’/identifying positive, negative sentences and questions/sentence dictation.
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9. Dialogue with Craig and Angeles/the verb ‘to be’-past simple (‘was’/’were’)/ ‘Where were you yesterday?’/prepositions of place-‘at’, ‘in’/word stress.
10. Past simple regular verbs /Text on John Lennon/question forms with ‘did’/pronunciation of ‘ed’ endings-(D), (T) and (ID)/identifying vowel sounds/weak forms- ‘The Shwa’/sentence dictation.
11. ‘Can’, ‘can’t’, ‘could’, ‘couldn’t’ for ability/pronunciation of ‘can’ and ‘can’t’/ ‘A Day In The Life of Craig’-irregular verbs in past simple-‘go-went’, get-got’, ‘have-had’/verb and noun collocations/colours.
12. Interview-‘When Harry Met Fran’/time expressions/reading text-Mystery Personality/ordinal numbers/dates/past simple with ‘did’/vocabulary-opposite adjectives.
13. Menu-‘Casa Manoli’/dialogue-‘In a Restaurant’/countable and uncountable nouns/ ‘would’ for offers-‘I’d like..’, ‘What would you like?’/ ‘some’ and ‘any’/vocabulary-food.
14. Comparatives and superlatives/adjectives for describing people/word order in questions/reading texts-famous people/sentence dictation.
15. Present continuous with Robert Dinero/present continuous with present simple/vocabulary-clothes and describing people/ ‘have’ and ‘have got’ for possession.
16. Text on Rick Mansworth-Private Detective-listening and reading comprehension/adverbs/comparison of adverbs and adjectives/prepositions of place and dependent prepositions.
17. Text on Ruben-‘going to’ for future plans and arrangements/word order/pronunciation of ‘going to’/vocabulary-the weather-‘What’s the weather like?’
18. Present perfect with ‘been’/past participles of regular and irregular verbs/present perfect with past simple/vocabulary-the body
19. Trivia Quiz-review of question forms-‘did’, ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘which’, ‘how’, ‘when’/intonation in questions/word order in direct questions/Text-‘Sam’s Story’ and questions/Dialogue-An English Tourist In Spain-‘Can I have..?’, ‘Excuse me’, ‘How much is that?’.
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