Rick and The New Year Prepositions

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The Adventures of Rick Mansworth
Private Detective



Elige la preposición, o preposiciones, más probables, en cada caso. Busca en el cuadro del vocabulario si necesitas ayuda.

'I welcome you Mr. Mansworth', said Bin London. 'Allah welcomes you.'

)Rick saw the guards walking the back of the cave.
‘You killed Christmas Bin London’, said Rick, angrily. 'I’m taking you the police'.

Bin London laughed. His head fell and his long beard moved .

‘Commercialism killed your Christmas’, he said, suddenly very serious. ‘Commercialism, capitalism and greed. There’s no religious meaning Christmas anymore Mansworth, it only represents money the western world. Money and evil.’

‘What about the poor children Bin London? You killed Santa Claus. You ordered one of your men to put a bomb his sleigh, murdering him and three reindeer cold blood.’

‘He was just another symbol western capitalism. The world and its children will be much happier without him.’

Suddenly the noise of a helicopter stopped the conversation. There was panic inside the cave. Bombs exploded them and the “ra-ta-ta, ra-ta-ta” of machine-gun fire was everywhere, sounding even louder inside the cave. 

Rick wasn’t stupid. He knew this was his chance to turn the situation . He jumped a guard who was standing near the door and hit him hard. The guard fell heavily. Rick took his gun and pointed it Bin London. ‘Put your hands where I can see them MySummer Bin London, you're arrest and I’m taking you .’

Rick looked of the window as the taxi drove through the wet city streets. It was New Year’s Day and he could see Christmas lights in most of the houses he passed. He smiled himself. Maybe Bin London had killed Christmas, but he was sure that next year the children would not be living fear of MySummer Bin London.

Follow the exciting adventures of Rick Mansworth-Private Dick-only at ‘La Mansión Del Inglés’

welcome = bienvenido    guard = guardia    cave = cueva    to kill = matar
beard = barba    greed = avaricia    evil = maldad    sleigh = trineo
to jump = saltar    to point = apuntar    fear = miedo

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